House Plans to Consider Proposal to Concur with Senate Amendment to H.308 with Amendment

Tomorrow, the House will consider a proposal to concur with the Senate amendment to H.308 with amendment. We applaud and support this proposal!  Thanks again to the Speaker of The House, Representative Johnson, House Majority Leader, Representative Krowinski, Judiciary Chair, Representative Grad and bill sponsors Representatives Morris, Christie and Gonzalez for your work on this historic bill.  We are fortunate to have such leadership.

Ways to help and show support:

1.) Call the Sergeant at Arms and leave a message for your Representative expressing your support for concurrence of the Senate amendment with amendment to H.308 .  802-828-2228  You can also send an email:

2.) Send an email your Representatives your support for concurrence of the Senate amendment with amendment to H.308 . – Find them here:

3)  Send an email expressing your appreciation for the hard work of key members of the house.  Use this email address to thank the house leadership, the judiciary chair and the bill sponsors:

4)  Share this link with your network.  H.308 (racial justice bill) 

The amendment is as follows:

Amendment to be offered by Reps. Morris of Bennington, Christie of
Hartford and Gonzalez of Winooski to H. 308

That the House concur in the Senate Proposal of Amendment with further
proposal of amendment as follows:

First: By striking out Sec. 3 in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the


The Attorney General, together with the Human Rights Commission and
interested stakeholders, shall develop a strategy to address racial disparities
within the State systems of education, labor and employment, access to
housing and health care, and economic development. The Attorney General
and the Human Rights Commission shall jointly report on the strategy to the
Justice Oversight Committee on or before November 1, 2017.

Second: By adding a new Sec. 6a to read as follows:

Sec. 6a. REPEAL

3 V.S.A. § 168 (Racial Disparities in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice
System Advisory Panel) is repealed on July 1, 2020.