40 Days of Fire: A Racial Justice Community Organizing Campaign

WELCOME to the 40 Days of Fire Campaign!

Here are the CliffNotes:

  1. Contribute (bottom of this page) to the 40 Days of Fire campaign and sign up to bring the 40 Days of Fire campaign to your community
  2. Read Education and Action Page and take the specific actions outlined
  3. Disseminate the Education and Action Page (email, social media, etc…)


There has been an aggressive and persistent political assault across this nation (including Vermont), fueled with race baiting and based in white nationalism . At the same time Vermont, not unlike the rest of the nation is undergirded in systemic racism and challenged with overt racism. 40 Days of Fire is a statewide racial justice community organizing initiative designed for two purposes:  to electorize the fight against the current use of racial dog whistles in discourse and debate by educating and empowering folks to break their silence and; to enlist Vermonters to learn more about and engage in our ongoing efforts in the fight against overt and systemic racism in Vermont.

This joint effort by Justice For All and Rights and Democracy is offering folks in all communities across the state an opportunity to host and participate in training and empowerment sessions, conduct workshops, register to vote and participate in voter engagement opportunities as well as directly confront candidates and elected officials on the issues of racial justice and the rights of those in traditionally marginalized communities.


  1. Race, politics and policy: The Making of a Nation
  2. The State of Vermont: Systemic (and overt) racism across the state
  3. Breakout: Addressing overt and systemic racism in Vermont
  4. Strategy to call out and take a stand against racial pandering in politics

Go here to get educated and take action NOW!

Locations scheduled and currently being considered for 40 Days of Fire Racial Justice Organizing Campaign:

  • Burlington, October 2– Synagogue Ahavath Gerim, 6:30 – 8:30pm
  • Middlebury, October 4 – Fenn House at Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, 6:00-8:00pm
  • Hardwick, October 9 – St. Norbert’s Church Hall, 6:00 – 8:00pm
  • Hartford, October 14 – Main Street Museum, 3:00-5:00pm
  • Marshfield, October 17 – Twinfield UnionSchool, 6:00-8:00pm
  • Webinar, 23 October – Zoom Call, 6:00-7:30pm
  • Brattleboro, October 28 – All Souls U.U. Church, 12:00 – 2:00pm
  • Westforfd, November (TBD)
  • Stowe (tentative)


Join us for the 40 Days of Fire Community Forum “The Gathering” at the McLure Multigenerational Center (241 Winooski, Burlington)  on Saturday, 27 October from 1:00 till 4:00.  We will discuss our progress and plan our next steps in the Campaign.

To learn more about 40 Days of Fire, and to sign up to hold a workshop in your area, please visit https://justiceforallvt.org/40-days-of-fire/.

We need your financial support to make the 40 Days of Fire happen!

One Time Contribution

Thank you


Justice For All Membership available here.