Faisal Gill
Faisil has had extensive government and business experience. Faisal currently a partner in Gill Investment Group, LLC, a company with investments in primarily companies with federal government contracts, and real estate ventures. Gill Investments is also working with US Commerce Department on bringing power projects to Africa. More about Faisil…
Kevin (Coach) Christie
Coach was born in Hartford, Connecticut and raised with his seven siblings and twenty plus wards of the State by their working mother and father and learned early on the value of hard work, teamwork, and perseverance. More about Coach…
Rev. Joan Javier-Duval
Joan has served as Minister of the Unitarian Church of Montpelier since August 2015. In this role, Joan acts as executive director and spiritual leader of this vibrant and growing liberal, religious community. More about Joan…
Joseph Gainza
Joe was the Vermont Program Coordinator of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker peace ad justice organization, from 1995 to 2009. More about Joe…
Kesha Ram
Since 2008, Kesha has represented Burlington’s Old North End, Hill Section, and University District in the Vermont House of Representatives. She was elected at 22 and spent several years as the youngest legislator in the nation.More about Kesha…