State Police

The Vermont State Police Race Traffic data


Concerns about racial profiling and racial disparities in policing have drawn the attention of Vermonters in recent years, particularly as the state has become more racially and ethnically diverse. A number of jurisdictions in Vermont have voluntarily2 moved to collect race data in traffic stops, including the Vermont State Police (VSP). This paper reports the results of an analysis of the VSP’s first year of race data on traffic stops, arrests, and searches for the period July 2010 through June 2011. The results are compared to those reported in McDevitt and Posick (2011). The main innovation of this study is that it examines racial differences in outcomes for each minority group relative to Whites, while the previous study combined all minorities into one group for comparison to White drivers. As a result the analyses and conclusions drawn differ, with this study finding much more robust evidence of racial disparities in policing, particularly for Blacks and Hispanics.

Vermont State Police:   An Examination of Traf5ic Stop Data.  July 1, 2010-December 31, 2015

The Final report provides an extensive analysis of traffic enforcement practices by Vermont State Police for traffic stops that took place from July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2015.  Institute of Race and Justice, Northeastern University May 2016

VSP Racial Disparities Analysis, 2010-15  Stephanie Sequino and Nancy Brooks, May 2016

This report was produced to reflect trending and consider census data over a four year period.

Seguino and Brooks_VSP_final report-1