Happy August
All here is the fourth in a series of updates on What Equity Looks Like. If you have missed any of the updates, you can see them on our site, at www.justiceforallvt.org or on the site of the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance, at www.vtracialjusticealliance.wordpress.com. In case you missed it, right around the corner is “What We Are Doing About Equity in Burlington”, August 13th from 7:00 till 9:00pm. This is an action-oriented meeting. Please place this on your calendar.
News Flash
Xusana Davis, the Racial Equity Executive Director, appointed as a result of the legislative mandate of Act 9 (2018) is completing her first week on the job. This is the position that Beth Fastiggi spoke of when she briefed us at the W.E.L.L. meeting last month. Our hope is to invite Xusana to one of our meetings at some point in the near future.
Equity Highlight
Equity in Affordable Housing
Our Affordable Housing Group reported out that the lack of affordable housing is a “serious national and local issue” that impacts a large percentage of the population. They made the assumption that “racism is a block for people accessing housing”. Finally it was agreed that there is a definite connection to wages and the so-called affordable housing that does exist is largely of poor quality. Licensing the landlords to improve housing quality and implementing progressive taxation based on property value were amongst the suggested solutions that the group fleshed out. With what they believed to be as many as 85% of voters holding this issue as a priority, this work is sure to be ongoing. Shout out to the Affordable Housing Group for starting this work.
Upcoming Events
Here are a few things that are happening between now and our next meeting. Click on the links for times and locations.
- An Inside Look at Mass Incarceration by a Black Vermonter – August 7th
- Film Viewing: Against All Odds – August 11th
- Racial Justice Alliance Meeting– August 13th

First African Landing Vermont On August 24th, from 1:00 till 4:00 PM, at North End Studios, Studio A, 294 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington we will commemorate First African Landing Day. This commemoration serves to recognize the 400th anniversary of the landing of the first enslaved Africans in English-occupied North America at Point Comfort in 1619. It will feature a commemorative ceremony, food, storytelling, dance, drumming, musical performances, and more. This First African Landing Commemorative Day will offer an opportunity for those who are interested in learning about the heritage, struggles and triumphs of the first Africans who were brought to the shores of what would become the United States. Find out how you can become a supporter or sponsor or register for the commemoration here. |
Please Help us Continue This Work
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Justice For All pursues racial justice within Vermont’s criminal justice system through advocacy, education, and relationship-building. Would you like to Become a member?