Public Hearing PR.2; Constitutional Amendment Prohibiting Slavery


Yesterday morning we found out that the House Committee on Government Operations was planning on holding a Public Hearing TONIGHT on PR.2;  a Proposal to amend the Constitution, to clarify that slavery and indentured servitude in any form are prohibited.  We requested the Hearing be moved to enable us the ability to effectively notify our constituents. The House leadership’s responded with a narrative of time constraints, citing the approaching end of session.  We informed the Committee that ” [as per]… § 72 of the Constitution and House Rule51a, the Senate and House have the entire biennium to complete their respective votes…”.  As a result, the Public Hearing date has been changed to May 8th!  You can find out more about the Public Hearing here.  Please come to the Public Hearing.

  • If you need accommodations for the Public Hearing, please call 828.2228
  • If you’d like to provide written testimony, you can send it to
  • If you want more details on the Proposal or the Public Hearing, please call the assistant at (802) 828-2267 or email:

Let’s do all we can to ensure a turnout at this historic Public Hearing for the constitutional amendment that clarifies that slavery and indentured servitude of any type are prohibited. Some would have us believe that this is largely symbolic.  There could be nothing further form the truth.  Slavery is at the root of the criminalization, punishment and oppression of black and poor people. Our constitution reflects our values and underpins our laws and institutions. Please show up and stand with us in solidarity.

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