What Equity Looks Like
24 February, 2019
3:00 – 5:00 pm
First Congregational Church
38 South Winooski Avenue
Here is an opportunity for us to celebrate the work we have accomplished and discuss the unprecedented year ahead. There will be an overview and discussion on racial equity; a presentation on current implementation of Act 54 (2017) and Act 9 (2018) and an opportunity to discuss the racial equity bills that are being introduced. The sponsoring legislators will be on hand for the discussion.
Come out and get involved
Family friendly

#EndslaveryVTThe proposal to amend to the constitution; eliminating slavery (Proposal 2) was taken up in Senate Government Operations Committee last month and testimony has been ongoing. There is mounting discussion about the prospect of leaving the language of constitutionalized slavery in the Vermont constitution for “historical purposes”. Further, the limited number of folks asking to testify has caused the Proposal to get stuck in Committee. This is the first time in 242 years that we have had an opportunity to remove this language. Help us make it happen. Contact the Senate Government Operations Committee and tell them to “remove slavery from the constitution”. Let them know that you are willing to testify!
Here are three ways you can voice support or sign up to testify:
- Email Senate Gov Ops at this address: vermont-senate-government-operations@googlegroups.com
- Leave a message at 828.2228
- Call the Committee Assistant at 828.2272

NO Taxation and Regulation Without Reparations Campaign
The legislature has the regulation of cannabis on the fast track. The financial upside seems to have given everyone “war on drugs” amnesia. Regulating Cannabis without taking these factors into consideration is scandalous and immoral. Stand with us as we proclaim No taxation and Regulation Without Reparations!
- Automatic, no cost expungement of cannabis related criminal records
- Immediate release of those incarcerated for cannabis related crimes;
- Exclusion of cannabis related crimes as impediments to opportunities for employment and access to public services;
- Training and start-up assistance in the hemp and cannabis industry;
Join us as we address this vitally important issue. Here is how you can help:
- Sign the petition here.
- Donate to the support cannabis reparations here.
- Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee via email here: vermont-senate-judiciary@googlegroups.com
Justice For All pursues racial justice within Vermont’s criminal justice system through advocacy, education, and relationship-building. Would you like to Become a member?
Here is an option for a one-time contribution