The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival Enters Week Two, Linking Systemic Racism to Poverty

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival Enters Week Two, Linking Systemic Racism to Poverty

On Monday, you may have joined the Vermont Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival to launch the largest wave of nonviolent in civil disobedience in US history. This action kicked off our our six-week season of nonviolent direct action in Vermont!

For the first week, we focused on child poverty, women in poverty and people with disabilities. Monday’s actions come as the Trump administration pushes work requirements for SNAP recipients and seeks to cut $7 billion from a child healthcare program.

If you missed week one, you can catch some of the fantastic local and national news coverage!



Huffington Post

We’ve stepped out across the nation, and we are just getting started.

Our theme next week (May 20-26) is Linking Systemic Racism and Poverty: Voting Rights, Immigration, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, and the Mistreatment of Indigenous Communities. RSVP here.

This is an important issue for anyone who cares that almost half—23 states—have adopted some form of voter suppression law since 2010; that deportations have increased tenfold between 1976 and 2015; or that Native Americans and Alaska Natives have the highest poverty rate of any racial group.

If you RSVP to Week Two’s rally, we’ll send you a reminder email ahead of time and give you instructions on when and where to show up.

Here are some important links for this week activities:

May 20th Training Facebook Event

May 20th Training Registration

May 21st Rally Facebook Event

May21st Action Registration

Please connect with and share these links out with your network, we need your help to take the good news of this campaign to every corner of the state! Keep up the amazing work.

Each week in Washington, DC there will be events live streamed across the nation. All events will be live streamed from the PPC: NCMR Facebook Page. We will also be hosting them locally and encourage you to do the same. 

Here are the recurring weekly activities that will be happening throughout the 40 days of Nonviolent Moral Fusion Direct Action:

Sunday Evenings     –    Mass Meeting
Tuesday  Evenings   –   Truthful Tuesday  – Having broken into the national consciousness on Monday, the theme of each week will be further explored by thought leaders, moral leaders and impacted leaders in a nationally broadcast teach-in. Local viewing events and discussion is encouraged.
Thursday Evenings  –    Justice Jam Night –  Justice Jam Night will be a power-packed hour of justice music and spoken word! (starts May 17th)

Find the Vermont Poor People’s Campaign on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.  Register here to receive email directly from the campaign  You can email them as well:

Weekly Themes: 

  • Week One (May 13-19) – SOMEBODY’S HURTING OUR PEOPLE: Children, Women, and People with Disabilities in Poverty
  •  Week Two (May 20-26) – LINKING SYSTEMIC RACISM AND POVERTY: Voting Rights, Immigration, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, and the Mistreatment of Indigenous Communities
  • Week Three (May 27-June 2) – THE WAR ECONOMY: Militarism and the Proliferation of Gun Violence (Action will take place on Tuesday rather than on Memorial day)
  • Week Four (June 3-9) – THE RIGHT TO HEALTH AND A HEALTHY PLANET: Ecological Devastation and Health Care
  • Week Five (June 10-16) – EVERYBODY’S GOT THE RIGHT TO LIVE: Education, Living Wage Jobs, Income, Housing
  •  Week Six (June 17-22) – A NEW AND UNSETTLING FORCE: Confronting the Distorted Moral Narrative

About Justice For All
Justice For All pursues racial justice within Vermont’s criminal justice system through advocacy, education, and relationship-building.

As you consider where you are investing in social justice issues, remember the racial referendum that we just experienced in our national election. Consider donating to Justice For All, an organically grown, Vermont-based racial justice organization that has been here doing the work over the past couple of years  Please help us with your membership, provide organizational support or simply provide a contribution. Help us continue this work in Vermont.

Over the past number of years we have worked to successfully deliver the Vermont Fair and Impartial Policing Policy for all law enforcement agencies in the state. We are the founding organization of the Racial Justice reform Coalition, which put forward what became Act 54, the Racial Disparities in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System Advisory Panel.  Our latest legislative win is S.281, the Systemic Racism Mitigation legislation is headed to the Governor’s desk at the time of this update.  Our work continues with numerous community outreach activities, Vermont Justice Coalition, Coalition on Racial Justice Reform, the Law Enforcement Professional Regulation Committee and much more but we need your help to continue.


Mark A. Hughes, ED, Justice For All