Tabitha Pohl-Moore Testifies Racial Justice Reform Bill (H.492)
Thanks to EVERYONE who attended the testimony yesterday. It was a record turnout for the session! It is very important that we maintain a sustained presence in the statehouse to ensure that our voices are heard on this historic bill
We just found out this morning that testimony on H.492 will continue 15 minutes after the House leaves the floor today! We are asking EVERYONE to descend on the statehouse at 1:30 TODAY and join us in the House Judiciary for testimony.
Also go to racialjusticereformomnibusbill
1) Sign the petitions that call for the adoption of these bills. Your signature alerts all members of the legislature:
Petition for H.492
Petition for S.116
Also, we know many of you have already done so but if not please disseminate the following to your networks:
2) Testify! Here is a form where you can submit your testimony. H.492 Testimony Submission Form
3) Call the Sergeant at Arms and leave a message for your legislative delegation and/or the House Judiciary expressing your support for H492 and S.116: 802-828-2228
You can also send an email: jmiller@leg.state.vt.us
4) Send a message to the Judiciary Committee of each chamber expressing your support.
House Judiciary (H.492) – vermont-house-judiciary@
Senate Judiciary (S.116) – vermont-senate-judiciary@
FAQs on the bill can be found here.
As you consider where you are investing in social justice issues, remember the racial referendum that we just experienced in our national election. Consider donating to Justice For All, an organically grown, Vermont-based racial justice organization that has been here doing the work over the past couple of years.
Please help us with your membership, provide organizational support or simply provide a contribution. Help us continue this work in Vermont.
Over this past year we worked in a coalition to successfully deliver the Vermont Fair and Impartial Policing Policy for all law enforcement agencies in the state. Our work continues with numerous community outreach activities, Vermont Justice Coalition, Coalition on Racial Justice Reform, the Law Enforcement Professional Regulation Committee and much more but we need your help to continue.
#DecisionPoints is a open source data collection initiative that is underway. This open platform will provide the community access to our data and enable transparency and accountability. Help us with this effort.